Class Schedule


Aikido: Weapons, All Levels 9-10:30 AM

Karate 10:30 AM-12 PM


Aikido: All Levels 6:30-8 PM


Karate 6:30-8 PM


Aikido: All Levels 6:30-8 PM


Aikido Kihon 5-6:30 PM 

Member Dues: Aikido

There are no annual contracts and membership is paid month to month. Dues may be paid via check or cash, please make checks payable to "Sarasota Budokan". Please take an envelope provided and write your name and the month being paid for. Dues are due by the 1st of the month, please be prompt.

Monthly Membership Dues (one adult, unlimited classes)                                     $95.00

Student Rate Dues (currently enrolled in classes)                                                   $50.00

Associate Membership Dues (for friends and supporters of the dojo) $50.00

Thinking about starting aikido? New student orientation and first class (private or small group) is complimentary.

Visitor Mat fees

Per Day                                                                                                                      $20.00

Aikido Schools of Ueshiba Student Handbook

This handbook is a guide for new students entering any ASU affiliated Aikido dojo. It holds information on the history of Aikido and ASU,  rules of the dojo, dojo etiquette, requirements for Kyu (white belt) promotions, requirements for Yudansha (black belt) promotions, and a glossary of terminology used in Aikido.

ASU Handbook