Sarasota Aikikai 50 Years!

Sarasota Aikikai 50 Years!

Save the Date!

Sarasota Aikikai will celebrate its 50 year anniversary with a very special seminar March 7-9, 2025, featuring some of the original instructors from its early days: Saotome Sensei, Ikeda Sensei, Dan Messisco Sensei, John Messores Sensei. This will also coincide with the celebration of Saotome Sensei’s 88th birthday on March 7th.

Saotome Sensei and Ikeda Sensei both told me they are excited to see all their friends from the old days together once again.

For those who can make it to town a day early, we will also have special pre-seminar classes in the Sarasota Dojo on Thursday night. Although this is not the first location that Sensei came to in 1975, it is the location that has lasted the longest – Frank Bell established the present location of the Sarasota Aikikai in 1995, and it has been here ever since!

Dojo Holiday Brunch

with Saotome Sensei and the Aikido Family! Everyone is welcome :)

Lee Crawford Sensei in Sarasota!

We are very pleased to welcome Lee Crawford Sensei (6th Dan ASU) to the Sarasota Aikikai on Thursday 10/31/24.

Lee Sensei has been training aikido since the 70’s, and has decades of extensive experience with Saotome Sensei and his other first generation students. She was the chief instructor and dojo cho of Aikido Northshore in Seattle, WA for 30 years until she gave the dojo to her students who are continuing her legacy. She now continues her training at regional seminars and camps, and from her home in NYC, where she is an instructor at the Bond Street Dojo.

Mike Page Sensei in Sarasota!

We are very pleased to welcome Mike Page Sensei (6th dan ASU) in Sarasota!

Mike Page Sensei is an insightful instructor with the ease of an athlete and the grace of a dancer. He will bring his extensive experience in aikido and other martial arts to us, sharing his perspective on how they contribute to our understanding of aikido and showing practical applications. By popular demand, he will also include randori class for us this weekend!

Friday 5:00 - 7:00pm
Saturday 10:00 - 12:00pm
Saturday 3:00 - 5:00pm
Sunday 9:00 - 11:00am

$100/weekend, $30/class
Discount rate available for current dojo members and pre-registrants: $70/weekend, $20/class.

The dojo has been fortunate to be bequeathed much of Peewee Sensei's aikido gear, books, and weapons. These will be distributed to all interested comers via silent auction after class on Saturday afternoon. We believe Peewee would be pleased to contribute to his dojo's well being in this way. We hope you will too!

This seminar is a designated fund raiser for the dojo. Your generous support is gratefully appreciated!

October Kyu Testing

The first class will occur as usual; kyu testing will be held in place of the second class. Students should plan to train. Friends and family are welcome to come watch (and be moral support) for the testing candidates. 

Special Guest Instructor Joshua Drachman Sensei Thursday 6/16


The 12th Street Dojo is very pleased to welcome Joshua Drachman Sensei as the special guest instructor for class this Thursday, June 16th @6:30pm.

Josh Drachman Sensei, (6th Dan ASU) is a senior instructor at Aikido Eastside in Seattle, a personal student of Saotome Sensei, and has received the Ueshiba Juku designation from Saotome Sensei. 

ASU Florida Regional Testing Seminar in Sarasota

The 12th Street Dojo is pleased to host this year's ASU Florida Seminar! 

This seminar is a cooperative venture in which all of ASU aikido dojo in Florida work hard every year to bring their students and instructors together to teach, to train, and to hold yudansha testing.

Kyu Testing Thursday 4/21/16

The first class will occur as usual; kyu testing will be held in place of the second class. Students should plan to train. Friends and family are welcome to come watch (and be moral support) for the testing candidates. 

Spirit Training: Sunday 4/17/16

Test yourself and your resolve at our first ever Spirit Training by joining us before dawn for a special training on South Lido Beach.  Exact class time will be announced after we consult an almanac!